Rainbird Tales Kenya

The purpose of the “Rainbird Tales Kenya” initiative was to open slum children’s minds and senses to their environment and the beauty of their country as well as to teach them to respect life and to protect nature by using creativity and different forms of art.


Icebreakers run the project in Kabiria Nairobi in 2014 – 2015 in co-operation with Bignet Education Centre which was established in 2005 as a community-based organization in Riruta Satellite. Teaching vulnerable children the skills to become successful in life is their core mission. Local musicians, spoken word artists and film makers were hired to run creative afternoon clubs for the children.

The idea for the initiative was born during Marita’s earlier projects when she was living in Kabiria. For many years she was daily struggling with the challenges of the unkempt slum environment.  As a story teller and media professional she wanted to do something for the matter with the help of her own creative audiovisual content about Finnish nature and animals.

According to the teachers, parents and tutors the project improved children’s self-esteem, creative thinking and school performance as well as gave them dreams and hope for a better future. As to the climate change the children realized that they can make a difference with their own behaviour.

Mtaani Radio, the local community radio was using the music and audio stories created by the children and artists of “Rainbird Tales Kenya” in their children’s radio programmes. Politicians were frequently seen and heard in the events of the project and a lot of visibility was received in the Kenyan media: People Daily Newspaper, Citizen Tv, KTN, QTV and K24.

The ten-month-long project took place in Kenya in 2014 – 2015 and received funding from the Foreign Ministry of Finland. The project was produced by Marita Rainbird.

For more information on the project please visit here.

 Rainbird Calling music video

Rainbird Tales Kenya audiovisual book  

Stories and images used in the project are now available in book shops and on-line book stores:

The Rainbird Tales – Tall Tales about Animals and Nature from Finland

Sadelinnun Satuja – Hullunkurisia tarinoita maaseudun eläimistä ja luonnosta